Wednesday, November 9, 2011

ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby

Once I have changed the password of the primary database and find everything is working fine. Logs are applied on standby and sychronization between primary and standby database is fine . On next day when i restarted my standby database and find that the redo logs are not applying on the standby database . When I checked the alert log file then found the below error message.

Error 1017 received logging on to the standby
Check that the primary and standby are using a password file and remote_login_passwordfile is set to SHARED or EXCLUSIVE, and that the SYS password is same in the password files.
 returning error ORA-16191
FAL[client, ARC0]: Error 16191 connecting to noida for fetching gap sequence
Errors in file d:\app\stand\diag\diag\rdbms\delhi\delhi\trace\delhi_arc0_2308.trc:
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby
Errors in file d:\app\stand\diag\diag\rdbms\delhi\delhi\trace\delhi_arc0_2308.trc:
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby
Dictionary check complete

After some troubleshooting and googling, I came to conclusion that this error occurs because of the invalid user credentials while attempts to ship redo to standby database .

To solve this issue we have copy the primary password file to standby database and rename the password file. Once the password-file is copied  and renamed on  standby database then stop and resatrt the recovery to make password-file in use. The below command will stop and restart the recovery .

1.) Log into standby database and stop the recovery as
SQL> alter database recover managed standby database cancel;

2.)  Now restart the recovery as
SQL>alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session ;

Perform a log switch on the primary database and check the archive sequence ,archive destination  and alert logfile. 

Enjoy    :-) 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Restrict A User From Being Dropped

Sometimes  we have to  put  the  restriction  on  those  user which  is  having DBA role even though they can't drop a particular schemas . In such scenario's we have to create the triggers to restrict the user   before  the drop command . Below script  will restrict the DBA's  to drop the particular schemas . Here is the triggers.

SQL> Create Or Replace Trigger  TrgDropUserRestrict
Before Drop On Database
        Begin If Ora_Dict_Obj_Name In ('SCOTT','OUTLN')    Then 
 Raise_Application_Error(-20001,'Cannot Drop User '||ora_dict_obj_name||' Contact Your Database Administrator For Dropping This User !');  
        End If;

Enjoy        :-)

Script to Query all table row counts

Once I have to calculate the no. of rows of  all tables in a schema. It seems quite tedious to count rows of all the tables one by one  as  :
SQL>select count(*) from table_name;

The second method is to export the schemas virtually by using the parameter estimate of Datapump. Using this method,we can check the logfile for tables row counts . Even this method is not so efficient because if the schemas size is large then we will take long time. We can export the schemas as
C:\> expdp system/xxxx@noida directory=dpump  schemas=hr logfile=hrlog11.log dumpfile=hr.dmp ESTIMATE=BLOCK

Another option to find table row counts is to use the pl/sql scripts .I found this script from  and is quite efficient and useful. Here is the below script to check the no. of rows in tables. 

create or replace function table_count (i_table_name varchar2)
return number
 t_cnt number default 0;
 execute immediate 'select count(*) from '||i_table_name into t_cnt;
 return t_cnt;
show errors
select table_name, table_count(table_name) from user_tables;
drop function table_count;
Hence, this script allows for counting rows in tables without the need for sqlplus or temporary script files.

If we want to check the empty tables i.e; table not having in any rows can be found from the below scripts :

set termout off
col sql for a120
spool 'C:\checkempty_temp.sql'
set pages 0 feed off echo off
'select '''||owner ||''' owner,'''||table_name||''' table_name  '||chr(10)||
'FROM '||owner||'.'||table_name||' where rownum<2 having count(*)=0; ' sql
from all_tables
where owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM','OUTLN','WMSYS') and substr(owner,1,4)<>'OPS$'
--and (blocks>0 or last_analyzed is null)
--and owner='XXXX'
--and blocks=0
order by 1;
spool off
set termout on pages 100

Enjoy   :-)